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Removing Wisdom Teeth In Adults

Having wisdom teeth can literally be a pain. Many people have them removed in their teens, but not all of us have the procedure done at that time in our lives. Delaying wisdom teeth removal until your adult years isn’t unusual, though. Here are a few things to consider if you want to have your wisdom teeth removed later in life.

Why Remove Wisdom Teeth In Adults?

Wisdom teeth can cause several dental health problems in adults. The most obvious issue is pain. In most people, the mouth is simply not big enough to contain the wisdom teeth. This causes wisdom teeth to be impacted, press against other teeth, or grow in at an angle. This irregular growth can press on nerves in the mouth and cause intense pain.

Adult wisdom teeth can also be prone to infection. Due to their position in the back of the mouth, they are harder to brush and floss properly. Removing the wisdom teeth not only helps prevent those teeth from becoming infected – it also makes the rest of the teeth in your mouth easier to clean.

The truth is that very few people don’t need to have their wisdom teeth removed. Removing these molars is usually easier in younger people because the tooth root is less developed. But, if you are older and are having issues caused by your wisdom teeth, you shouldn’t let your age deter you from having the procedure done.

How To Prepare For Adult Wisdom Teeth Removal

Removing wisdom teeth is a common dental procedure, but it still requires preparation. Before you undergo treatment, make sure you take the following steps:

What To Expect During A Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

Here’s what you can expect during an adult wisdom tooth removal procedure:

The total procedure should take about an hour to complete, then you may need some time to recover in the dentist’s chair or a special recovery room.

Post-Procedure Care

After your wisdom tooth removal, you will experience swelling and discomfort for about 3 days. Your stitches should dissolve on their own after a few days. Your pain should go away after 3 days, but it will take your mouth a few weeks to completely heal.

You can take these steps to speed up the healing process:

Call your dentist if your pain or swelling persists for 5 or more days. In rare instances, a “dry socket” may form. This happens when a blood clot falls out of the extraction area before the wound is completely healed. Dry sockets are very painful due to the exposed nerves in the area. If you experience a dry socket, contact your dentist immediately so they can help you alleviate the pain.


There’s nothing to fear about having your wisdom teeth removed as an adult. While the procedure is a little more complicated than when it is done for younger people, it is by no means impossible. Work with your dentist to come up with a treatment plan, perform the appropriate pre- and post-operation preparation, and take good care of your mouth after the removal is done. After your wisdom teeth are removed, you can enjoy the relief and oral health benefits that the procedure provides.

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