A woman smiling at her reflection in the mirror.

When Is A Full Mouth Restoration Right For You?

A full mouth restoration (sometimes called a full mouth reconstruction) is a comprehensive dental procedure that aims to correct multiple issues in the mouth. These issues could be missing teeth, broken teeth, gum diseases, or other ailments that could lead to non-functional teeth. Full mouth restorations are a serious dental procedure, so it’s understandable to wonder if it’s the right time to get one. In this post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why a patient might opt for a full mouth reconstruction, and how you know when the time is right.


A serious injury to the mouth is a common reason for a full mouth restoration, and one of the most obvious ones regarding timing. Unlike other causes that make a full mouth reconstruction necessary, injuries are sudden and unexpected. A traumatic injury that breaks or displaces multiple teeth is a frequent reason for reconstruction. If enough teeth are missing or broken from the injury so that it interferes with speech, eating, or your general quality of life, then it’s time to consider a full mouth restoration.

Congenital Conditions

Congenital conditions that affect the development of the mouth can also be cause for a full mouth restoration. Disorders like ectodermal dysplasia, ameliogenesis, or dentinogenesis imperfecta call all affect the development of teeth. Teeth may grow in misaligned or may not grow in at all. Genetic disorders like these cannot be prevented through medical intervention, but abnormalities in tooth development can be corrected through a full mouth restoration. Once a patient reaches adulthood and their mouth stops developing, it can be a good time to visit a cosmetic dentist to create a full mouth reconstruction plan.


Oral diseases can affect the gums and teeth, making a full mouth reconstruction necessary. Advanced periodontal disease can persist for years, leading to missing teeth, decaying teeth, and gum inflammation. Oral cancers can have a more rapid progression, causing great damage to the mouth in a matter of weeks or months. In any case, there will be some point in the diseases’ progression where it becomes difficult to chew, speak, or do anything with your mouth without pain or discomfort. The underlying disease needs to be addressed first, of course. But after that issue has been resolved, you can work with your dentist on a full mouth reconstruction plan that can help restore your mouth to the state it was in before the disease struck.


The best indicator that the time is right for a full mouth restoration is when the condition of your mouth is causing you extreme pain or discomfort and having a significant impact on your quality of life. A full mouth restoration is appropriate when multiple teeth are impacted by the underlying cause. A full mouth restoration is a complicated procedure that might involve dental implants, bridges, and other dental prosthetics. It can often be more efficient to create a comprehensive treatment plan that involves a full mouth reconstruction rather than try to address each issue with an individual procedure. If you have experienced any of the issues listed above and you want to know if a full mouth restoration is right for you, please contact our office to set up an evaluation.